| - v. 这项工作本星期必须做完, 咱们最好动手干吧! The work must be finished this week, so we'd better get weaving
- adj. 这颗星肉眼看不见. This star is not visible to the naked eye
- n. 远见, 深谋远虑, 先见之明, 远景, 前视, 瞄准器, 准星, 先见, 预见 foresight
- n. 连接词, 连合, 关连, 连合[接], 联合, (事件的)同时发生, 连(接)词, (行星等的)会合, 朔, 契合, 合取, 逻辑乘法[积], 时机, 关头, 会合, 关联 conjunction
- 逃逸速度(宇宙飞船等克服星球引力的速度). speed at which a spacecraft, etc must travel in order to leave the gravitational field of a planet, etc
- 逆式伽俐略寻星器 inverted Galilean finder
- n. 通信卫星. => illus at orbit 见orbit插图. a com,muni`cations satellite, ie one that relays back to the Earth telephone messages or radio and TV signals received from another part of the Earth
- 通信卫星公司 Communication Satellite Corporation
- 通信卫星地面站 communication satellite earth station
- 通信卫星牌汽车 Telstar
- 通信卫星覆盖区 coverage area of commnication satellite
- 通信卫星覆盖范围 communication satellite coverage
- 通信卫星轨道 communication satellite orbit
- 通信卫星转发器 communication satellite transponder
- 通信技术卫星 communication technical satellite
- n. 通常为圆形的)黄道 12 宫图(用於占星术中预测未来). Cf 参看 horoscope. diagram of these signs used in astrology to predict the future (