| - 镀黄铜平头软钢木螺丝 brass-plated mild steel countersunk head wood screw
- 镀黄铜平头软钢机器螺丝 brass-plated mild steel countersunk head machine screw
- n. 闪锌矿, 包有皮革的软金属棒, 21点(一种纸牌玩法, 接近21点者为赢, 但不得超过21点), 扑克牌的二十一点 blackjack
- 防缩柔软染色精梳细纺 combed and preshrunk dyed cambric with mellow finish
- n. 阳光, 阳光, 阳光所照处, 晴朗的天气, 令人温暖和快乐的人, 金子, 矿工蜡, 软石蜡, 骄阳, 向阳处, 太阳照射的地方 sunshine
- n. 阴毛, 阴部, 软毛, 耻骨, 阴阜, 柔毛, &, D{pubis}的复数, 阴部, 柔毛 pubes
- 阿姆柯48软磁性合金 Armco 48 alloy
- 阿姆柯软钢 armco steel
- n. 随机存取存储器软件. Cf 参看 ROM. a RAM software component
- 隔热软木板 insulation cork board
- 集成软件 Integrated Software
- 雏鸡脑软化症 encephalomalacia of chicken
- n. 雨水, 雨后的积水, 软水 rainwater
- n. 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等). soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc
- n. 霰, 软雹 graupel
- adj. 青春期, 青春发动期的, 有柔毛的, 思春期的, 有软毛的 pubescent