| - v. 辯論社團每星期五舉行例會. The Debating Society meets on Fridays
- n. 運星, 運道, 支配力, 幸運星, 優勢 ascendent
- n. 運星, 運道, 支配力, 星位, 命宮, 優勢 ascendant
- n. 運貨馬車, 北斗七星, 貨車, 戰車, 北斗七星, 四輪載重馬車, 北斗七星 wain
- 運輸之星牌汽車 Transtar
- v. 近幾個星期以來你每天都遲到. 請你說說原因. In recent weeks you've been late every day. Please explain yourself
- n. 近地點, 近地點(行星軌道最靠近地球的點), 近地點 perigee
- n. 近地點(月球、 行星或航天器軌道上距地球最近的點). point in the orbit of the moon, a planet or a spacecraft at which it is nearest to the earth
- n. 近日點, 極點, 最高點, 近日點(行星軌道最靠近太陽的點), 近日點 perihelion
- n. 近日點(行星、 彗星等軌道上距太陽最近的點). point in the orbit of a planet, comet, etc at which it is nearest to the sun
- 近月衛星 close lunar satellite
- 近極低軌道搜救衛星係統 COSPAS-SARSAT
- adj. 還有一個星期就要進行選舉, 一切越來越緊張了. With only a week to go before the election things are really hotting up
- n. 這個辦事處星期六和星期日不辦公. The office is closed at the weekend
- adj. 這個商店星期日休息. The shop isn't open on Sundays
- n. 這個圖書館星期一至星期六都開放. The library is open on weekdays only