| - 黎雪列車 snow plough train
- n. 齒軌鐵道(設有帶齒的中軌, 與列車帶齒的車輪嚙合, 將列車送上陡坡). railway that has a cogged central rail with which a cogged wheel on the train engages to drive the train up a steep slope
- n. (《聖經》)上帝許給以色列人的肥沃土地, 迦南. the fertile country promised to the Israelites by God; Canaan
- (從係列廣播劇或電視劇中)除掉(某角色) from a continuing drama series on radio or television
- n. (軍隊中的)二列橫隊 double row of soldiers standing side by side
- n. (軍隊中的)戰列步兵(不包括禁衛軍). regular infantry regiments (excluding the Guards)
- prep. (在順序, 排列或重要性上)在...之後, 跟在...後面, 僅次於 in order, arrangement or importance
- vi. (常與in, out, off連用)成群結隊行動, 列隊行進, 群集, 結隊, 成群而行 troop
- n. (成係列的)課題、 講座等 series of lessons, lectures, etc
- n. (指一係列事實或事件)開始有頭緒 begin to make sense in relationship to each other
- adj. (指士兵)排緊, 列隊靠攏. come closer together in a line or lines
- vt. (時間的)預定, 安排, (飛機、火車)列入時間表, 定時服務 schedule
- n. (顯示某種標志或口號的布製的)橫幅(通常用兩根竿子撐開或握舉, 見於如政治或宗教的遊行行列中) large strip of cloth showing an emblem or slogan, which is displayed or carried, usu on two poles, during eg political or religious processions
- n. (相關的或交織的)一套, 一係列 connected or interwoven series
- (簿記)將(一列數字的總數)轉到下一列 to the next column
- vi. (船)傾側, 列於表上 list