  • n.  你因为本末倒置才了麻烦!   Your trouble is you've got your priorities back to front
  • v.  你对这书有何意见可否直率提?   Could you give me your honest opinion of the book?
  •   你就非得弄这麽大声吗?   Must you make so much noise?
  •   你带她出去过吗?   Have you taken her out yet?
  • adj.  你干得很出色.   You've done a grand job
  •   你应该多出去走走.   more
  • n.  你开价吧(说你想要的价钱).   Name your price, ie Say what price you want to charge
  • n.  你得修补那个裂缝, 不然以後会问题.   You'll have to mend that leak or it will cause problems later
  • v.  你得打扮一下再出门.   up a bit before going out
  •   你怎麽不早告诉我们呢? why not (used to make or agree to a suggestion用以提一建议或对一建议表示同意)   Why ever didn't you tell us before?
  •   你怎麽得那个结论的?   How do you make that out? ie How did you reach that conclusion?
  • n.  你怎麽竟然做这种事? 你难道不知羞耻吗?   How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?
  • n.  你想出门, 天准下雨.   It's guaranteed to rain when you want to go out
  • n.  你戴著那种帽子门不是开玩笑嘛!   You can't in all seriousness go out in a hat like that
  • v.  你打算挑选谁参加这个队? Choose suggests a freely made decision and can refer to a decision between only two items. (We usually select or pick from a number greater than two) 用choose表示的是自由作的决定, 可仅指两者之间. (不止两项时通常用select或pick)   Who are you going to pick for the team?
  • n.  你批评他的女儿就要惹是非了(因为他生气).   You're on dangerous ground when you criticize his daughter, ie because he will react angrily