| - v. 无论谁作主席, 都需既要有耐性, 又要机敏老练. Whoever presides will need patience and tact
- 无论谁的猜测都是一样(猜测总归是猜测)。 One man's guess is as good as another's.
- adj. 无论谁穿上那种不像样子的长罩衣也是个邋遢相. Those terrible overalls would make anyone look slovenly
- v. 日本人比谁都会搞市场推销. The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market
- n. 昨晚我看见和你一道的那个金发女郎是谁? Cf 参看 brunette. Who was that blonde I saw you with last night?
- adj. 是谁一直在收拾这地方? Who's been tidying in here?
- adj. 是谁做的我一点都不知道. I haven't the remotest idea who did it
- 是谁先出的这个主意? Who first thought of the idea?
- comb form 是谁发明的拉链? Who invented the zip-fastener?
- n. 是谁在散布流言蜚语? Who's been hawking gossip about?
- adj. 是谁弄得这麽乱? Who's responsible for this mess?
- n. 是谁批准轰炸那座城的? Who sanctioned bombing the town?
- v. 是谁把墙画得这麽难看? Who's scrawled all over the wall?
- v. 是谁把饼乾全都吃光了? Who scoffed all the biscuits?
- v. 是谁摆弄这钟来著? 已经不走了. Who's been interfering with the clock? It's stopped
- n. 是谁给你灌输的这种思想? Who planted that idea in your head?