| - n. 他的确考糟了. He really fluffed his exams
- n. 他的论文已在肯特考古学会学报上发表. His paper was published in the proceedings of the Kent Archaeological Society
- 他考虑了几分钟才做决定. He spentseveral minutes in thought before deciding
- n. 他考试及格实在是侥幸, 因为他根本没下过功夫. Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all
- n. 他考驾驶执照五次都没及格. He failed his driving test five times
- adj. 他要不是考试很紧张, 成绩可能不错. He would probably do well in the examination only he gets very nervous
- n. 他轻而易举地考及格了. He passed the test with ease
- prep. 他那样做的时候并没考虑到自己. He acted without thought for himself
- 他须考试及格, 才能开始工作. He has to pass an examination before he can start work
- n. 代理人, 学监, 轧梭保护器, (大学的)学监, 监考人, 代书, 代诉人 proctor
- prep. 以...看到,考虑到,顾及 considering
- n. 以书面形式)提出某事以便考虑 present sth formally in writing for consideration (
- n. 任私人教师辅导某人准备考试 tutor sb for an examination
- n. 优先权, 优先顺序, 优先, 先, 前, 重点, 上席, 上位, 优先配给, 优先考虑的事, 次序, 轻重缓急, 优先级, 需优先考虑的事 priority
- n. 优等考试, 其及格者名册, 荣誉学位考试, (英国剑桥大学的)学士学位考试, 文学士荣誉学位考试 tripos
- 你什么时候参加(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试? your A levels?