| - n. 该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介. The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week
- 象驴推磨一样千篇一律地干活; 干单调乏味的工作 go round like a horse in a mill
- n. 赞美诗作者, 诗篇作者 psalmist
- n. 赞美诗篇, 晨祷诗篇, 赞美诗乐曲, 晨祷诗乐曲, 脉混合岩 venite
- adj. 趣味方面使人感到沉闷的千篇一律. uniformly adv a depressing uniformity of taste
- n. 这一杂志下周要发表一篇关於教育的专题文章. This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week
- n. 这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗. The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem
- 这文章满篇术语, 对我直如天书. This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me
- n. 这本书在不过五十页的篇幅里向人们提供了维特根斯坦思想的精髓. This book offers a distillation of Wittgenstein's thought in a mere fifty pages
- n. 这篇报告貌似冠冕堂皇, 实际上空洞无物. The report looks impressive but it's really nothing but waffle
- n. 这篇报道不是颠倒黑白就是含糊其辞. The report was full of lies and prevarications
- v. 这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置. The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper
- n. 这篇报道披露了旧城区的贫困真相. The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities
- n. 这篇文字有很多潜在的难点, 译者稍一不慎就要出错. This text presents many pitfalls for the translator
- n. 这篇文稿要重新打一遍. typing (also `typewriting) n [U] again.
- n. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的成分太多. The article makes too many false presumptions