Chinese English Phrase:
  •   布朗-彼得森范式   Brown-Peterson paradigm
  • n.  希猎及罗马神话)(半人半羊的)林之神.   god of the woods, half man and half goat (
  •   帕-莫塔锡锑铜轴承合金   Parson's Mota metal
  •   帕金先生, 我们暂时为你保留这套衣服.   We'll put the suit aside for you, Mr Parkinson
  •   帕金定律(只要时间许可, 工作总得拖拉到最後).   idea that work will always take as long as the time available for it
  •   常出没于沼泽区或未开发林地带的人; 【动】画眉   swamp angel
  •   干旱棕色森林土   brown dry forest soil
  • adj.  庄严的, 值得尊敬的, 可尊敬的, 令人尊敬的, 严的, 令人肃然起敬的, 神圣的, 古老的, 有来历的, 古老的, 破旧的, 德高望重的   venerable
  •   库德-理查森信度   Kuder-Richardson reliability
  •   庞森丝绒   ponson velvet
  • v.  废林,开劈森林   disafforest
  • n.  废林,开劈森林   disafforestation
  • adj.  开辟一条穿过林的新路.   open a new road through a forest
  •   弗拉克森仿麻细平布   Flaxon
  •   弗纳-莫里森综合征   Verner-Morrison syndrome
  • v.  当斯科特抵达南极的时候, 发现阿蒙比他到得更早.   When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him