| - adj. 那位教师对学生太软了, 他们都不听他的. That teacher is too soft with his class; they're out of his control
- n. 那孩子最心爱的东西是个柔软的玩具. The sole object of all the child's affection was a soft toy
- 配软木鞋跟鞋底的马皮鞋 horsehide shoes with cork soles and heels
- n. 酒椰叶纤维(由酒椰棕榈树叶制成, 质软, 用於捆扎植物、 编织桌席等). soft fibre from the leaves of a type of palm-tree, used for tying up plants, weaving table-mats, etc
- adj. 酒醉的, 东歪西倒的, 摇摇晃晃的, 脚步不稳的, 踉踉跄跄的, 头昏眼花的, 软弱的, 无力的 groggy
- 酸心软焊条 acid-core solder
- 醋酸纤维软性塑胶粉 cellulose acetate moulding powder
- n. 重型卡车把长草的软质路肩轧坏了. Heavy lorries have damaged the grass verge
- 金嗓子软糖 Golden Voice gum drop
- n. 金属或塑料的)软管(有螺旋盖, 盛膏装物用的) container made of thin flexible metal or plastic with a screw cap, used for holding pastes, etc ready for use (
- 金属编织软管 metal wire net flexible hose
- 金鱼牌丝毛柔软调理剂 Goldfish silk wool softening conditioner
- 金鱼软糖 Goldfish jelly drop
- 针织毛线软鞋 knit woolen yarn bootees
- 钢丝软管 wired hose
- 钢制软管 steel hose