| - 旧时)地方军(1940年英国为抗击侵略者保卫国家而成立的志愿部队). British volunteer army formed in 1940 to defend the country against invaders (
- n. 旧时)拒绝按照法律规定参加英国国教礼拜式的天主教徒. Roman Catholic who refused to attend Anglican services as required by law (
- n. 旧时)测链(测量土地的长度单位, 等於66英尺). =>App 5 见附录5. for measuring land (
- n. 旧时)英国士兵. British soldier (
- n. 旧时)英联邦的自治领之一. any of the self-governing territories of the British Commonwealth (
- 旧时)(英国富家子弟教育中, 到欧洲大陆观光的)大旅行(为学业的必经阶段). tour of the chief towns, countries, etc of Europe, considered as completing the education of a wealthy young person (
- n. 旷野, 森林地, 南英格兰Kent, 森林地带, 荒野, 原野, 昔日的森林地 weald
- adj. 明智的, 有学问的, 有智慧的, 聪明的, 知情的, 了解的, 英明的, 慎虑的, 博学的, 明白的, 贤明的, 狡猾的 wise
- 易懂的英语, 通俗易懂的话 Plain English
- 易懂的英语, 通俗易懂的话 Plain Saxon
- n. 昔日英国的四便士银币, 些许, 四便士银币, 小额, 少量, (英国古时的)四便士银币, 少许的金钱 groat
- adj. 春天英国郊野呈现青葱的颜色 the green of the English countryside in spring
- n. 是英语中常用的法语词语. Deja vu' is a Gallicism often used in English. deja vu
- n. 晨祷(尤指英国国教的). Cf 参看 vespers. service of morning prayer, esp in the Church of England
- 普通中等教育证书(的考试)(在英国80年代末采用, 以取代普通教育和中等教育的普通级考试). Cf 参看 A/S level, Certificate of Secondary Education, General Certificate of Education. any of a range of examinations introduced in Britain in the late 1980s to replace both the Ordinary level GCE and the CSE
- 晶体控制石英稳定 crystal control