  • n.  意义, 指示, 指定, 表示, 称, 符号, 准确意义, 外延, 命   denotation
  • n.  憎恶, 反感, 厌恶, 遣责, 非难, 臭, 公愤, 讨厌, 憎恨   odium
  • n.  戏剧、 电影等中的)剧角色, 片角色   part in a play, etc that is used as the title (
  • n.  戏剧等中的)与剧相同的角色   title-role in a play, etc (
  • n.  成功, 成名等之路   an avenue to success, fame, etc
  •   成功;成名   make one's mark (on)
  • n.  成的弊端之一是失去了私人活动自由.   One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy
  • n.  成员举行的无记投票   hold a ballot of members
  •   我一时想不起他的字了.   I can't think of his name at the moment
  • n.  我一直在回想他的字.   to remember his name
  • adj.  我不太熟悉植物学方面的称.   I am not very familiar with botanical names
  • v.  我不知道这个名字.   Blenkinsop? No, the name doesn't convey anything to me, ie I do not know or recognize it. Blenkinsop?
  • v.  我从未听说过他的字.   I never learned his name
  • adj.  我们公司已裁减200雇员.   have made 200 workers redundant
  •   我们已有十运动员, 尚需一才能凑成一个队.   We have ten players, so we need one more to make up a team
  • n.  我们把新成员的字已经加进去了, 这份单是最全的了.   The list is up to date now that we've added the new members' names