  • v.  她的表演表现了度的艺术技巧.   Her performance displayed great art
  • adj.  她的趣味十分高雅.   Her tastes are very refined
  • n.  她的尚品格令人钦佩.   Her nobility of character made her much admired
  • v.  她看上去很高兴.   She looks happy, ie She's smiling
  • v.  她穿著很跟鞋, 扭扭捏捏地走进房间.   She minced into the room wearing very high heels
  • v.  她穿著跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走著[四处走].   around in very high-heeled shoes
  • v.  她穿那件连衣裙显得了.   That dress exaggerates her height
  • n.  她经年累月造就了很的智慧.   She had acquired much wisdom during her long life
  • v.  她致力於一伟大事业, 但其崇的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热.   Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession
  • n.  她获提升後职位比我, 我压抑不住忌妒的心情.   I couldn't help feeling jealous when she was promoted over my head
  • adj.  她虽然年事已, 但记忆并未模糊.   Old age hasn't dimmed her memory
  • adj.  她认为自己的婚姻至无上.   Her marriage is sacred to her
  • adv.  她身高两米多.   She's over two metres tall
  • n.  她这位小说家受到很的评价.   She is highly rated as a novelist
  • adj.  她那高超的组织才能.   her sterling qualities as an organizer
  • n.  她针对失业率之慷慨陈辞.   She spoke with feeling about the high rate of unemployment