| - adj. 未达最佳标准的,不最理想的,不最适宜的,不最满意的 suboptimum
- 本店商标货物(以自己店名代替厂家商标者) class of goods in a shop marked with the name of the shop or store instead of that of the manufacturer
- adj. 本词典在同形异义词的右上角标注数字以资区别. Different words with the same spelling are distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers
- adj. 本词典略作propr专利名)(指商标名称)专利的 owned and used exclusively by a particular firm (
- 机动车辆上的标志). Cf 参看 L-plate. learner-driver (
- 机动车辆安全标准 Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
- 机动车辆废气排放标准 motor vehicle emission standard
- v. 机动车辆驾驶员必须能看懂交通标志. A motorist must be able to read traffic signs
- 机场地面活动目标指示器 airport surface movement indicator
- n. 机场的)标塔, 标杆. tall tower or post that marks a path for aircraft landing (
- n. 杀虫剂的一种, 其商标名, 马拉松, 马拉硫磷 malathion
- n. 杂志等文章中的)标题, 题目. short title or heading of an article in a magazine, etc (
- 权益总额企业评价指标 Total equity
- 杆型浮标 spar buoy
- n. 束棒, 束棒, 权标(古罗马高级执法官吏的权标, 形状为一束棍棒, 中有一柄露出的斧头, 为, 意大利法西斯党的标志, 一束, 法西斯, 权力的象征 fasces
- n. 极可意浴缸, 极可意水流按摩浴缸(商标名称) jacuzzi