| - 耶和华见证人(相信世界末日在即的一种教派的教徒, 认为除该教教徒外, 一切人都将受到惩罚). member of a religious organization which believes that the end of the world is near and that everyone will be damned except its own members
- 背书(票据等)将所有权让与(别人) endorse over
- 胜利在望; 行将达到目的 see land
- n. 舰队司令, 海军上将, 旗舰, 海军将官, 渔船队长, 商船队长, 红纹蝶, 海军将军 admiral
- n. 船长, 主将, 正驾驶, 正驾驶员, 机长, 队长, 运动队队长 skipper
- v. 苦药裹糖衣(将讨厌的但必要的事物弄得吸引人). unpleasant but necessary seem attractive
- n. 英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後, 即将出版一部有关的书. As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book
- n. 英国海军的)准将. =>App 9 见附录9. officer in the British Navy between the ranks of captain and rear-admiral (
- n. 英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币. The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin
- 草草将几幕拼凑成一个话剧. knock a few scenes together to make a play
- n. 萨拉将到巴黎作互访住在皮埃尔处, 而皮埃尔明年来苏格兰就住在她那里. Sarah is going on an exchange to Paris to stay with Pierre, and he is coming to stay with her here in Scotland next year
- 著名作家, 文坛健将 hero of the quill
- vt. 蒙住...的眼睛, 遮住...的视线, 使思想不清, 蒙骗, 迷惑, 将...眼睛蒙起来 blindfold
- 蒲福风级(最初将风速划分为由 0-12 即由无风到飓风的等级) to 12 (hurricane)
- n. 蓬克摇滚乐迷(喜爱蓬克摇滚乐、 模仿蓬克摇滚乐师打扮者, 尤指青年, 如佩带金属链、 穿破烂衣服、 将头发染成鲜艳的颜色等) person who likes punk music andimitates the appearance of punk musicians, eg by wearingmetal chains, clothes with holes in and brightly coloured hair
- vt. 薄施彩色于, 涂擦粉笔于, 涂揉, 涂颜色, 将色彩变淡, 渐使颜色变浅 scumble