| - n. 体育馆、 场中只容一人进或出的)旋转栅门. revolving gate that allows one person at a time to enter or leave a stadium or sports ground (
- adj. 体面的中产阶级的出身、 正派人所受的教养 a respectable middle-class background, upbringing, etc
- 余液倾出铸造 slush casting
- 余热排出系统 residual heat removal system
- v. 作...姿势, 作姿势, 令取某种姿势, 摆姿势, 作出姿态 posture
- adj. 作为[成为]突出的或重要的 become prominent or important
- 作为食物出售的)角鲨, 角鲨鱼片. dogfish sold as food (
- n. 作出[露出]痛苦的怪相. give a grimace of pain
- 作出决定的过程 decision process
- 作出庄严保证[声明] put one's hand on one's heart
- 作出有利于...的决定; 赞成做某事; 判决(某人)胜诉 decide for
- 作出有利于...的决定; 赞成做某事; 判决(某人)胜诉 decide in favour of
- v. 作出牺牲以获得(某事物) by a sacrifice
- n. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润. The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes
- n. 作好准备以对付可能出现的紧急情况 keep one's `powderdry keep in a state of readiness to cope with a possible emergency
- n. 作猪哼者, 猪, 发出呼噜声的动物, 鸣不平者, 石鲈, 哼哼或咕哝的人, 摔跤运动员 grunter