  •   全国证券易商自动传报协会   NASDAQ
  •   全国证券易商自动传报协会   National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  •   全国证券易商自动报价协会   NASDAQ
  •   全国证券易商自动报价协会   National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  •   全国证券易商自动报价协会〔美国〕   National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations [United States]
  •   全电子式交换机   full electronic telephone exchange
  •   全电子电话交换机   fully electronic telephone exchange
  •   全自动交流稳压电源   full-automatic alternating current stabilized voltage supply
  • adj.  全部款项可以在一年中按月平均纳.   Payments can be evened out on a monthly basis over the year
  •   公交专用车   special public traffic car
  • n.  公共通对许多农村居民来说是不可或缺的.   Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities
  •   公共通工具(公共汽车、 火车等)   buses, trains, etc available to the public according to a published timetable
  •   公共自动交换机   community automatic exchange
  • n.  公司, 友伴, 际, 一群, 一队, 往的人, 客人, 同伴, 陪伴, 往, 商号, 连, 全体船员, 聚会, 集会, 社团, 友谊, 情, 伴侣, (陆军的)连, 连队, (包括船长的)全体船员, 群, 队, 伙   company
  • n.  公司一定要在商品易中有竞争力.   Companies must be able to compete in the market-place
  •   公司管治工作小组〔香港联合易所有限公司〕   Working Group on Corporate Governance