| - adj. 指房间)没有新鲜空气的, 不通气的 without fresh air; stuffy (
- 指日、 月)落下, 没入地平线以下 disappear beneath the horizon; set (
- n. 指有害的鸟兽昆虫等)大批出没, 侵扰, 骚扰 infesting or being infested (
- adj. 指竞赛)没有一个参赛者有必胜把握的. with no competitor who is a certain winner (
- 指船等)沉没 sink (
- n. 指船)沉没 fill with water and sink (
- adj. 指言语等)无必要而可能得罪人的, 没来由的 not required in a situation and likely to be offensive; gratuitous (
- v. 指警方、 海关等)扣押, 没收(赃物、 毒品等) away from sb (
- n. 指警方)没有逮捕某人的罪证 have no information that could lead to sb's arrest (
- v. 指鬼魂)常出没於(某处) regularly (
- n. 挡风玻璃裂了, 但没碎. The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter
- n. 捕获, 夺取, 捕获物, 捕捉, 占领, 掠夺, 篡夺, 查封, 没收物, 扣押物, 突然发作, 占有, 强占, (疾病)发作, 抓, 捉, 没收 seizure
- n. 据说有鬼魂在这座城堡的墙上出没. Ghosts are said to stalk the castle walls
- n. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没. The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel
- 掉过脸去不理睬人, 装作没看 look the other way
- 接待了名[要]人而不知其身分; 没有注意朝夕共处的人的优点; 有眼不识泰山 entertain an angel unawares