  •   耶稣升天节之前的期日.   the Sunday before Ascension Day
  •   耶稣受难日(复活节前的期五, 纪念耶稣被钉死在十字架上).   the Friday before Easter, commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ
  • n.  聪明人, 智多, 具有极大才智的人, 出谋划策的人, 设计者   mastermind
  • adj.  肉眼看不到的遥远的球.   distant stars that are invisible to the naked eye, ie that cannot be seen except with a telescope or binoculars
  • n.  胡桃钳, 鸟类, 坚果钳, 胡桃钳子, 鸦   nutcracker
  •   胡桃黑星病   scab of walnut
  • adj.  能维持两个期的供应品.   two weeks' worth of supplies
  • n.  自今天[明天/期二]起两周之後.   on Tuesday, ie two weeks after the day specified
  •   自动星-三角起动器   automatic star-delta starter
  •   致命的事物;克星   the bane of one's existence
  • n.  舞台和影视界名人(著名的演员和电影明).   celebrities of stage and screen, ie well-known actors and film stars
  •   船底星座   Carina
  • n.  船樯星座,罗盘星座   malus
  •   色织星海绸   yarn-dyed star sea pongee
  •   艾氯沙星   Esafloxacin
  • n.  苯唑星, 非那佐新   phenazocine