| - n. 攀登岩壁非常危险. There's a lot of danger in rock climbing
- 收取非金钱利益的做法 soft dollar practice
- 改用非油类燃料 fuel switching away from oil
- vt. 攻击, 非难, 抨击, 辱骂, 着手, 投入, 从事, 侵袭, 腐蚀, 侵蚀, 动手处理 attack
- 政党、 公司等的)用於非法目的的基金(如行贿官员的). fund created eg by a political party or a business company, for illegal purposes, eg bribing officials (
- n. 政府在税收政策上突然改变, 政评家非常吃惊. on taxation surprised political commentators
- v. 政府有计划地歪曲抗议者的观点而受到非难. The Government were accused of having systematically distorted the protesters' case
- adj. 政权(非教会之权). the secular power, ie the State contrasted with theChurch
- v. 救济非洲的饥荒灾区 relieve famine in Africa
- adj. 教养不良的, 没教养的, 下流的, 缺乏教养的, 不懂礼貌的, 鄙俗的, 非纯种的, 劣种的 underbred
- adj. 教唆诉讼的, 诈欺的, 怠慢的, 有受贿罪的, 出卖官职的, 为非作歹的 barratrous
- n. 散布谣言者, 搬弄是非的人, 散布谣言者(亦作taleteller), 揭人隐私者, 搬弄是非者, 散播谣言者, 告密者 talebearer
- n. 数学一向非我所长. Mathematics was never my forte
- n. 整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求. She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening
- 文法学校(教授文化课程而非技术课程者). courses
- n. 斑驴, 南非斑驴 quagga