| - v. 用鼻擦, 触, 紧挨, 将鼻插入, 用鼻掘, 用鼻爱抚 nuzzle
- n. 由於将军未能当机立断, 我军已丧失对敌采取行动的主动权. Because of the general's indecisiveness,our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy
- n. 申请者将於适当时候获邀约面谈. Applicants will be called for interview in due course
- n. 画家将肤色明暗处理得很好的画. an artist's fine painting of skin tones
- adj. 瘦的, 薄的, 细的, 弱的, 稀薄的, 缺乏的, 空洞的, 肤浅的, 易被看破的, 将要挎掉的, 守不住的, 不愉快的, 难过的, 简陋的, 不够浓的, 细体的, 稀的, 稀松的, 稀少的, 淡的, 浅的, (声音)小的, 无力的, 薄弱的, 不充足的, 稀疏的 thin
- adj. 白天将偶有阵雨. There will be occasional showers during the day
- adv. 目前已能将人送到月球上. It is now possible to put a man on the moon
- n. 目前正将医药用品空投到灾区. Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area
- 看上去像;似将;好像要 look like
- adv. 真是个美女、 英雄、 游泳健将 quite a beauty, hero, swimmer
- vt. 碾压, 乱砍, 割碎, 弄伤, 伤害, 破坏, 弄糟, 使听不懂话语, 碾压切割, 将撕裂, 撕成碎片, 把(文章、作品等)搞糟, 压碎, 轧干(衣物), 撕裂, 毁损, 损坏, 轧布 mangle
- n. 礼物赠送会(尤指为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的). party at which presents are given to a person, esp a woman about to get married or have a baby
- 禁止将投手伸出扶梯外 Please do not stretch out your hand or head
- vt. 离间, 使疏远, 挑拨, 让与, 割让, 让渡, 转让, 将作他用, 改变目的 alienate
- n. 种类, 样子, 态度, DOS命令:在字符型文件中进行数据排序, 或者将DOS命令的输出进行排序, 类别, 品种, 品质, 本性, 性质, 方法, 情形, 程度, 某种人, 一套铅字, 同级毛, 同型毛, 群, 伙, (人或物的)群, 类, 种, 型 sort
- 科幻小说中的)时间错位(过去或将来的时间均出现於现在). distortion of time so that the past or the future becomes the present (