| - n. 我认为没有理由把公司划分成小单位. I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units
- n. 我认为该计画没什麽价值. I don't think there's much merit in the plan
- adj. 我认为这答案是正确的, 但是没有绝对的把握. I think the answer's right but I'm not absolutely sure about it
- n. 我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道. I hate dealing with large impersonal companies
- adj. 我讨厌你那没完没了的争论. I am tired of your eternal arguments
- n. 我身陷困境--钱丢了, 又没赶上回家的末班火车. I was in a dreadful plight I had lost my money and missed the last train home
- adj. 我近几个月身体不好没上班. ill to go to work for the last few months
- n. 我还从来没听过这麽愚蠢透顶的话! I've never heard such utter twaddle
- adj. 我还没交会费. I haven't paid my dues yet
- v. 我还没有决定, 一直在仔细考虑. I haven't decided yet; I'm mulling it over in my mind
- 我这一天过得好像没什麽收获. I seem to have spent my day quite profitlessly
- n. 我这些日子没(什麽)时间读书. time to read these days
- adv. 我这辈子从没听过这种废话! Would you do that?' `Never.' `你会做出那种事吗?'`永远不会.'* Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense
- n. 我迟到了, 没能赶上火车. I missed my train
- n. 我迟到的原因是没赶上公共汽车. because I missed the bus
- n. 我那些求职信都没怎麽达到目的. I haven't had much success in my applications for jobs