些Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 碎布条, 细片, 些少, 裂片, 破布条, 微量剩余, 最少量, 细条, 微量, 丝毫, 碎片, 破布, 少量剩余 shred
- 社会福利工作人员指出那些儿童正受到虐待. Social workers claimed the children were being ill-treated
- 禁区(禁止某些人或团体进入的地区). Cf 参看 no go (go1). area to which entry is forbidden to certain people or groups
- 禁忌语(某些人视为不雅的或下流的词语, 如本词典中标有者). , eg those marked in this dictionary
- v. 离开或脱离某处或某些人 go away from a place or from other people
- 离马路远些. Keep well back from the road
- adj. 稀少的, 些须的, 细小的, 微小的, 细微的 exiguous
- adj. 稍钝的, 有些松懈的, 有点钝的, 迟钝的, 有点沉闷的, 无趣味的 dullish
- 空桶放些水防止干裂变漏 bulling
- n. 空难事件中有些人奇迹般大难不死 the miraculous survival of some people in the air crash
- 穿著白大衣的那些男的是什麽人? Who are the men in white coats?
- n. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声. Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows
- 立法改革 L-Assembly (某些国家)两院制立法机构的下院L-Council (某些国家)两院制立法机构的上院 legislative reforms
- adj. 等到雾变薄些 wait until the fog thins (out)
- 简给报社写了封信. 这封信里有些极其严重的指责. Jane wrote a letter to a newspaper. This letter contained some startling allegations
- adj. 篮子装得满满的那些买东西的人. shoppers with their baskets fully laden