| - adv. 指坏事)极度地, 十分地, 非常 extremely (
- adj. 指情感等)非理性的, 出於本能的 not rational; instinctive (
- adj. 指愿望或抱负)不大可能实现的, 想入非非的 hoped for, but not likely to be met or to come true; foolishly held (
- 指控, 非难 make a charge against
- adj. 指植物)野生的, 非栽培的 growing in natural conditions; not cultivated (
- adj. 指知识)以观察或实验为根据的(非理论的). Cf 参看 transcendental. based on observation or experiment, not on theory (
- adj. 指行动)漫不经心的, 非故意的, 无意的 done without thinking or not deliberately (
- adj. 指谈吐、 举止或装束)非上流社会的 not upper-class (
- n. 指责, 谴责, 非难 rebuke
- vt. 指责, 非难, 斥责, 成为对...的指摘 rebuke
- 指责[毁谤, 非难]某人 throw [cast] stones at sb.
- n. 指选择余地、 可能性等)非常小的 very small (
- adj. 指部队)非正规的. not belonging to the regular armed forces (
- adj. 指钱)非伪造的, 真的 not fake or false; genuine (
- v. 指非法复制及出售唱片、 影片、 书籍等. are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally. *bootleg指非法运送、 制造及出售货物(尤指酒). When records, films, books, etc are illegally copied and sold they are pirated. *pirate
- adj. 指飞机)有活塞发动机的(非喷气式的). having engines with pistons, not jet engines (