| - n. 我看他的情况没有什麽改进的希望. I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition
- v. 我看她没有明白那故事的意思. I don't think she saw the point of the story
- 我积压了许多信没回. I've fallen behind with my correspondence
- v. 我穿著这双靴子没法渡水. I can't wade in these boots
- adj. 我竭力想与他联系, 但是没联系上. I tried to contact him but was unable to
- prep. 我经常考试作弊, 从来没让人抓住过. I've often cheated in exams without being caught
- prep. 我给你打过电话, 但没打通(如因占线或线路故障). I tried to ring youbut I couldn't get through, eg because the line was engagedor faulty
- n. 我绝没想到还能看见你. I'd see you again
- 我肯定他要去的, 没法阻止他. I'm sure he'll go, there's nothing to stop him
- v. 我能来吗?'`那要看情况, 汽车里可能没有空座了.' there might not be room in the car.' `
- adj. 我要是没有特殊情况一定来. I'll come if nothing untoward happens
- v. 我见过他, 但没跟他说过话. I know him by sight, but not to talk to, ie I have seen him but never spoken to him
- v. 我觉得我干这份工作没什麽前途. I feel I'm stagnating in this job
- v. 我警告你, 我可没那麽多耐性了. I warn you, I'm rapidly losing patience, ie becoming impatient
- n. 我认为他还没找到生活的归宿. I don't think he's yet found his niche in life, ie the occupation that gives him most satisfaction and happiness
- n. 我认为你没有意识到局势的严重. I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation