| - n. 贴水, 扣头, 折扣, 兑换, 汇兑, 差价, 升水, 贴水 agio
- 贸易差额理论史 Balance of Trade, History of The Theory
- 资产负债表, 资金平衡表(显示收支总差额的记录). written record of money received and paid out, showing the difference between the two total amounts
- 资金流动净差额 net balance of capital movement
- n. 赔偿者, 补整器, 补偿器, 调整器, 胀缩件, 补偿棱镜, 调相机, 自耦变压器, 自耦变压器式起动机, 差动装置 compensator
- 赛发呆移差术 sephadex chromatography
- n. 赤字, 不足, 缺乏, 缺陷, 亏损, 亏空, 逆差, 欠缺, 不足额 deficit
- n. 起初那新来的男孩是班上成绩最差的, 但他很快便追上了(其他同学). At first the new boy was at the bottom of the class but he soon pulled up (with the others).
- 超声波外差式接收机 supersonic heterodyne receiver
- n. 超外差, =superheterodyne superhet
- n. 超外差, 超外差式接收 superheterodyne
- 超外差光接收机 optical superheterodyne receiver
- 超外差变频器 super-converter
- 超外差变频器 superheterodyne converter
- 超外差式接收机 superheterodyne receiver
- 超外差式接收法 superheterodyne reception