| - 你必须交付罚金吗? =>Usage Did you have to pay a fine?
- n. 你早些走就能避开交通拥挤时间. If you go early you'll miss the traffic
- n. 你现已遭我们禁锢, 要到交出赎金以後, 才能放你走. You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid
- 你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意(和我)交换吗? do you want to swap (with me)?
- n. 你的总结需要增加一些具体材料再交出. Your summary will need fleshing out before you present it
- adj. 你确信这笔交易诚实无欺吗? Are you sure this deal is on the level?
- v. 你要交钱才能进来. pay before you come in
- n. 你要是把这活儿交给我, 我早就做完了. If you'd given the job to me I could have done it in half the time
- v. 你要是现在走, 可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻. If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour
- n. 你订购的货物可随时交付. Your order is ready for delivery
- v. 你输了, 罚你把手表交给我. Give me your watch as a forfeit
- v. 你闹也好, 骂也好, 罚金还是得交. You can rant and rave at the fine, but you'll still have to pay it
- vt. 使...制度化, 使制度化, 使成为习惯, 把...看作制度, 使在学院中生长或受到训练, 把...送交专门机构治疗, 把…收容在医院(教养院、养老院、孤儿院)(亦作institutionalise) institutionalize
- v. 使...混合, 交际, 混合 mixed
- vt. 使...社会化, 使社会化, 使适合社会需要, 使适于过社会生活, 使学习组织化, 交际, 联谊, 使适合社会生活, 收归国有(亦作socialise) socialize
- v. 使...配对,交配,使...一致,结伴 mate