| - v. 牧师先将饼和酒圣洁化, 然後开始圣餐仪式. The priest blessed the bread and wine, ie before the celebration of the Eucharist
- v. 独裁者已将所有政敌干掉. The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents
- n. 猎狐狗(旧时用以将狐狸从洞中赶出的). type of short-haired dog, formerly used to drive foxes out of their holes
- n. 王牌驾驶员, 足球健将, 神射手. an ace pilot, footballer, marksman, etc
- adj. 现在、 过去、 将来等时态. the present,past, future, etc tense
- 现款自运(顾客付现款自行将所购物品运走的制度). system in which the buyer pays for goods in cash and takes them away himself
- n. 球队阵容中将没有琼斯. Jones will be missing from the team line-up
- adv. 琼斯先生即将被解职. Mr Jones will be dismissed forthwith
- n. 瓦尔基里, 战神Odin之一婢女, 将阵亡战士引导入Valhalla, 并侍候于此。 valkyrie
- adj. 生气的, 发怒的, 愤怒的, 狂暴的, 猛烈的, 乌云密布的, 将有暴风雨的, 肿痛的, 发炎的, 刺目的 angry
- n. 用以将大降落伞由伞包中拖出的)小降落伞. small parachute used to pull a larger one from its pack (
- n. 用以将往复运动变换为圆周运动的)曲柄, 曲轴 L-shaped bar and handle for converting to-and-fro movement to circular movement (
- v. 用以表示即将做某事, 尤指新的、 令人兴奋的或冒险的事物) (used to show that one is about to do sth, esp sth new, exciting or risky
- conj. 用以表示怀疑将来的事能否发生) ,if and `when (used to express uncertainty about a possible event in the future
- v. 用候敌地道防卫, 将计就计, 以计破计, 对抗 countermine
- v. 用力将(某人)摔在地上 to the ground or the floor