| - 脑膜或脊髓膜突出修补术 Repair of meningocele or encephalocele
- 脚端修剪 lead trimming
- 脾脏修补术 Splenorrhaphy
- 腐朽, 凋谢, 衰微; 年久失修 go to decay (=fall into decay)
- n. 腓力斯人的风习, 庸人习气, 市侩作风, 庸俗, 无教养, 偏狭, 实利主义, 没有文化修养 philistinism
- 腓骨骨折开放复位(修补)术 Open reduction for fibula fracture
- 腔静脉回流右心房异常之修补手术 Repair, anomalous venous return total or partial
- 腭裂修补手术刀包 palatorrhaphy operating instrument set
- 腹壁损伤修复术-广泛性 Repair of abdominal wall injury——extensive with reconstruction or prosthesis
- 腹壁损伤修复术-简单 Repair of abdominal wall injury——simple with/without reconstruction
- 腹壁疝气修补术,嵌顿性,-无肠切除腹壁疝气修补术,复发性-无肠切除鼠蹊疝气修补术-并肠切除 Repair of inguinal hernia ——with bowel resection
- 腹壁疝气修补术-并肠切除 Repair of ventral hernia ——with bowel resection
- 腹壁疝气修补术-无肠切除 Repair of ventral hernia ——without bowel resection
- 腹腔镜疝气修补术 Herniorraphy
- n. 膀胱, 囊, 构成动物一部分的一个囊, 经过修整处理的膀胱, 一种人造的柔软和有弹性的容器, 类似膀胱的东西, 球胆, 救生圈, 气球, 囊状物, 趾高气扬的人, 空话连篇的人, (可充气或充水的)囊状物, 气泡 bladder
- 膀胱阴道瘘管修补术 Vesico vaginal fistula repair