  • n.  传说中与熟睡的男子性的女妖. Cf 参看 incubus.   female demon said to have sexual intercourse with sleeping males
  •   伦敦国际金融期货及期权易所   LIFFE
  •   伦敦国际金融期货及期权易所   London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
  • n.  伦敦是个国际证券与股票的易中心.   London is an international mart for stocks and shares
  • v.  伦敦运输公司在通高峰时 间增开加班列车.   London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour
  • adj.  似)交响乐的.   of or like a symphony (
  •   位于...之前; 被付处理[审判]; 被提出   come before
  •   低温自交型粘合剂   low temperature self-crosslinking binding agent
  •   低阶交叉连接   lower order cross connect
  •   作为...的报答[回礼], 换   in return (for)
  •   作为报答/回报/交换   in return
  •   作为间接交换的生产   Production as Indirect Exchange
  •   作乐, 玩乐; 寻欢作乐(特指性)   have fun (=do a bit of fun)
  • n.  你今天在办公室是否忙得不可开?   Have you had a hard day at the office?
  • v.  你会摔交吗?   Can you wrestle?
  • n.  你好'和`对不起'是社中的客套语.   How d'you do' and `Excuse me' are social formulae. `