  • n.  马拉松赛跑(42公里或26英里)   long-distance running race (of about 42 km or 26 miles)
  • n.  驾驶执照、 租、 信用卡、 合同、 协议等的期满   the expiry of a driving licence, lease, credit card, contract, agreement, etc
  • n.  高耸於纽市的摩天大楼   the skyscrapers that tower over New York
  • n.  黑人住宅区, 哈莱姆, (纽的)黑人住宅区   harlem
  •   黑牌约翰尼.沃克酒   Johnnie Walker Black Label
  •   默认约束   DEFAULT constraint
  • v.  (《旧·创世记》中所记载上帝藉以惩罚人类的)洪水.   the one that was sent by God to punish mankind, as described in the Old Testament book of Genesis
  • n.  (使某人)签受雇、 应徵   sign an agreement to work for sb, become a soldier, etc
  • n.  (持续而隐的)疼痛   continuous dull pain
  •   (指大使等)不受所在国法律束的, 治外法权的   free from the laws of the country in which one lives
  • adj.  (板球运动中)与击球员成直角位置的   in a position approximately at right angles to the batsman
  • adj.  (行动、 说话等)自由, 无束   act, speak, etc freely and without restraint
  • adv.  (通常用于数字前)大   some
  • adj.  )与第一义有关, 意为`使不受束'   relates to the first sense and means `set free' 动词loose(及unloose