| - 改变…念头;打消主意 think better of sth.
- vt. 改变位置或方向, 变动, 移动, 更换, 推卸, 转嫁, 消除, 使换衣服, 变速, 换档, 使音变, 替换, 转移, 改变, 移转 shift
- n. 改变宗教信仰, 取消前言, 改变论调 recantation
- 放射线消毒法 radiation disinfection
- vt. 放弃, 希望取消或除掉 unwish
- 政府消费开支 government consumption expenditure
- 故障消声开关 trouble silence switch
- n. 故障消除器, 调整器, 拆除窃听器专家interactivedebugger交互调试器, 交互调试人员 debugger
- 效用、消费者需求及指数 Utility, Consumers' Demand, and Index Numbers
- n. 敌军迫近的消息搅得人心惶惶. The news that the enemy were near alarmed everybody
- 救援水罐消防车 fire-crash water tender
- 散伙; 取消同事资格 dissolve partnership
- n. 散布, 传播, 分散, 分散, 散开, 疏开, 消散, 驱散, 疏散 dispersal
- v. 散布, 传播(假消息、 谣言等) The captain put the ship about. 船长更改了船的航向. put sth about spread or circulate (false news, rumours, etc)
- n. 散布, 分散, 弥散, 色散, 散射, 传播, 悬漂, 漂移, 离差, 差量, 泄漏, 复表面重力波的分解, 离中趋势, 疏散, 消散, (前面与the连用)(犹太人的)大流散, 驱散, 散射, 离差 dispersion
- n. 散布引起恐慌的消息、 谣言等的人. person who frightens people by spreading alarming news, rumours, etc