| - n. 对名人言谈举止的)滑稽的模仿 funny imitation of the behaviour or way of talking of a well-known person (
- n. 对工会的猛烈攻击(指企图以激烈的攻击性言论等破坏工会名声的行动) union-bashing, ie the practice of trying to discredit a trade union by fierce criticism, etc
- n. 对莎士比亚十四行诗、 歌剧咏叹调、 著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿 a parody of a Shakespearian sonnet, an operatic aria, a well-known politician
- n. 对身体或名誉的)伤害, 损害 instance of harm to one's body or reputation (
- n. 对黑人的种族歧视, 弯轨机, 吉姆(男子名) jim
- v. 将姓名和住址写在信封,包裹上 superscribe
- 将某人[某人的名字]从...中除去(尤指从专业团体中除名) sb's name from sth, esp from membership of a professional body
- v. 将某人列入决选名单 put sb on a short list
- 将载入编年史的名字(载入史册) a name that will go down in the annals, ie be recorded in history
- n. 将(某人)列入值勤人员名单中 on a roster
- v. 将(某人)当作名人对待 as a celebrity
- n. 尊严, 高贵, 体面, 可敬的品格威严, 庄重, 高职位, 光荣, 神圣, 名流, 要人, 品格高尚, 尊贵, 威严, 高位, 显职 dignity
- adj. 小于半音的间隔的, 异名同音的, 等音的 enharmonic
- 小写名称字元 lower-case name characters
- 小写名称起始字元 lower-case name start characters
- n. 小望远镜, 美国spyglass公司, 以开发Mosaic浏览器闻名 spyglass