  • n.  走遍不颠群岛. measure one's length => measure1.   travel the length and breadth of the British Isles
  • n.  起床号, 晨号, 早点, 队, 集合   reveille
  • n.  足球赛前队员队出场   a parade of players before a football match
  • v.  足球迷中的流氓用刀砍坏了车上的一些座位. We tear things by pulling them apart with our hands 用手把东西扯破为tear   The football hooligans had slashed some of the seats in the train.
  •   跃居世界前(产量)   (output) leap into the front ranks of the world
  • n.  跳蛙游戏, 跳背游戏, 跳蛙排, 跳步法, 跳点法, 交互跃进, 竞相提高   leapfrog
  • n.  踪迹, 小径, 尾, 痕迹, 足迹, 踏成的路, 流星的尾, 雾化尾迹, 余波, 余线, 一串, 一系, 拖曳物, 尾部, 裙裾, 拖裾, 蔓, 架尾, 车尾, 线索, 形迹, 猎狗的嗅迹, 邋遢人, 持枪姿势, 脚印, 小路, 余缕   trail
  •   轻步兵分列式行进.   a march past by the light infantry
  •   载入...名单, 跻身...之   in the roll of
  • n.  载货柜的车[货船/卡车]   lorry, ie one designed to transport such containers
  •   辐射列病学   radiation epidemiology
  •   达尔防火粘胶短纤维   Darelle
  •   达格列酮   Darglitazone
  • n.  运动(为某一社会的、 商业的或政治的目的而进行的一系有计划的活动)   series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim
  • adv.  运送补给品的列车.   a supply train
  • n.  还能看得见那列火车.   The train is still in sight