| - vt. 以交叉线作出阴影,画出交叉阴影线 crosshatch
- adj. 以人类为中心的, 以人类为宇宙中心的, 从人的角度出发看宇宙万物的, 人类中心说的, 以人类的观念解释宇宙万物的 anthropocentric
- 以优异的成绩; 以杰出的表现 with distinction
- 以低於定价的价格出售某物. selling sth for less than the list price
- 以低於市场价格500英镑出售一辆汽车. market value
- v. 以低於(竞争者)的价格出售(货物) at a lower price than (one's competitors)
- n. 以低於(竞争者)的价码出售货物或提供服务 offer goods or services at a lower price than (one's competitors)
- n. 以冗长的演说拖延或阻挠会议(尤指议会)做出决定的人. meetings by making long speeches
- n. 以刺耳的粗声说出某事 say sth in an unpleasant grating voice
- v. 以刻出的或锯出的图案装饰(木制品等) with patterns made by cutting or sawing
- adj. 以口)发出(声音) with the mouth or voice (
- adj. 以同一器官发出的, 同器官的, 同部位的 homorganic
- prep. 以天空为背景显出轮廓的 silhouetted against the sky
- n. 以寄售方式(货物售出後始行付款) on consignment with payment to be made after the goods have been sold by the receiver
- n. 以小圆点标出(某物). with a dot
- v. 以尖锐或咆哮的声音说出(某事) in a sharp harsh voice