| - adj. 我們的所謂海濱別墅是離海岸兩英裏的一座小平房. Our ,so-called `villa by the sea was a small bungalow two miles from the coast
- adj. 我們的無畏的英雄. our intrepid hero
- n. 我們相距十英尺. We were separated by a space of ten feet
- v. 我們要把租金定為每周100英鎊. We will fix the rent at 100 a week
- v. 我們還要走五英裏. We still have five miles to go, ie until we reach our destination
- 我們還需要100英鎊才能達到所需的數目. We still need 100 to make up the sum required
- adj. 我們那些與世長辭的英雄(如陣亡的士兵) our departed heroes, eg soldiers who died in battle
- n. 我們飛行的高度是35000英尺. We're flying at 35000 feet
- n. 我藉給他5英鎊, 條件是他今天得還給我. I lent him 5 on the understanding that he would repay me today
- n. 我出十英鎊買你的舊自行車. I'll give you a tenner for your old bike
- v. 我剛獲得2000英鎊的加薪. I've just been given a 2000 pay rise
- 我衹有10英鎊, 要熬到發薪那天了! I've only got 10 to see me through until pay-day
- adj. 我衹花了3000英鎊就買下了這輛舊汽車, 其價值遠不止這些. I paid only 3000 for this used car but it's worth a lot more
- adj. 我可以付給你50英鎊, 不能再多了. I can offer you 50, but I can't go any further than that
- v. 我可沒辦法靠每星期50英鎊維持生活. on 50 a week
- v. 我在人行道上撿到了一張5英鎊的紙幣. I found a 5 note on the pavement