| - 角度偏差 angular deviation
- 角度偏差传感器 angular deviation sensor
- 计划航向之差 course error
- 计数误差 counting error
- 计测仪频统误差 systematic error of a measuring instrument
- n. 计算机差错惊人的频密. the alarming frequency of computer errors
- adj. 计算机程序中的少许残留误差. a few residual faults in the computer program
- n. 计算等的)误差 amount of inaccuracy (
- 记忆力很差, 心不在焉 have a head like a sieve
- n. 许可, 入会费, 承认, 许可入场, 入场费, 认为真实或有效, 容纳, 进气, 输入, 公差, 容差, 准许进入, 准许加入, 会费, 招认, 允许进入, 承认某事之陈述, 供认 admission
- n. 证券批销经纪(仅与证券经纪交易以赚取差价, 不直接与公众交易者). member of a stock exchange who buys and sells stocks and shares so as to take advantage of variations in their prices, dealing with stockbrokers but not with the general public
- 试差法 trial and error method
- 话到嘴边; 差点说出 at the tip of one's tongue
- n. 诡计欺诈恶作剧欺骗骗术奸计谋略卑鄙的手段轻率愚蠢行为习惯怪癖秘诀窍门手腕手法技艺巧技戏法幻术舵手的一班一班出差公出逗人的孩子俏姑娘犯罪行为抢劫刑期一叠牌小玩意儿小物件把戏花样诀窍圈套(桥牌的)一圈骗局 trick
- n. 语尾变化, 格变化, 倾斜, 变格, 词形变化, 一些语尾变化相同的字, 偏差, 偏离, 堕落, 衰退, 凋落, 婉言谢绝, 词形变化相同的名词, 下倾, 词尾变化 declension
- n. 误差, 不精确, 不准确, 错误 inaccuracy