| - v. 比尔退休时将由彼得接任总经理一职. Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires
- n. 比赛的最精采场面将在今晚的电视节目中播放. The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight
- n. 气球所装载的沙子或其他物质(可将其抛掉以使气球升得更高). sand or other material carried in a balloon, that can be thrown out to make the balloon go higher
- adv. 永远, 始终, 将来, 今后 evermore
- abbr. 汤姆·)菲利普斯少将. Phillips (
- 汽车行李箱货物出售(将不想要的东西置於自己的汽车行李箱中出售). outdoorsale at which people sell unwanted possessions, etc from the boots of their cars
- n. 法官命令将犯人还押候审. The judge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded
- n. 法庭上将法官、囚犯、律师等与听众隔开的)围栏 barrier in a lawcourt separating the judge, prisoner, lawyers, etc from the spectators (
- adj. 法律上将进行的一些更改 prospective changes in the law
- n. 注油枪(将润滑油注入发动机等的部件之用具). device for forcing grease into the parts of an engine, a machine, etc
- 海军上尉参谋; 海军将官的副官 flag lieutenant
- n. 海军准将, [英]分舰队司令官, 护航指挥官, 游艇俱乐部[总会]会长, 商船队队长, 船队队长 commodore
- 海军准将牌汽车 Commodore
- abbr. 海军少校[陆军或海军陆战队中校/陆军或海军陆战队中将/副总督]. -Gov
- n. 海军部, 海军上将之职, 海军部, 海军部官员, 海事法, 制海权, (英国)海军部, 海军上将职位, 舰队司令职位 admiralty
- 海将炮铜 admiralty brass