  •   一氧化碳監測裝置   carbon monoxide monitoring system
  • abbr.  一袋半英擔裝的土豆.   a cwt sack of potatoes
  • n.  一詞最為普通, 指産品生産或配的工廠   Factory, mill, plant and works all refer to industrial buildings or places but they indicate different products or processes. *factory、 mill、 plant、 works均指工業的建築物或場所, 但其産品或加工程序則不盡相同. Factory is the most common word for the buildings where products are manufactured or assembled *factory
  • n.  丁烷氣[罐石油氣/煤氣/天然氣]   natural gas
  •   萬嚮節傳動萬嚮節傳動置   card drive
  •   萬嚮節傳動裝置   card gear
  •   萬嚮節傳動裝置   cardan gear
  •   三件套的套裝   three separate set
  • adj.  三件式套服(女服為裙或褲加襯衫和外套, 男服為西衣褲加西背心)   a ,three-piece `suit, ie a set of clothes consisting of a skirt or trousers, a blouse and a jacket for a woman, or trousers, a waistcoat and a jacket for a man
  • n.  三位一體, 三人一組, 三個一組的東西, 三位一體, 三位一體的象徵, 三件套, 三一節, 復活主日T-House領港公會, 海務局, 三位一體(聖父、聖子、聖靈合成一體), 三人一個組, 三個一組的   trinity
  •   三區裝料循環   three region loading cycle
  • n.  三葉形裝飾或圖案.   ornament or design shaped like such a leaf
  •   三嚮加載地質力學模型試驗置   triaxial loading facility for geomechanical modelling of underground structure
  •   三來一補(來料加工,來件配,來樣加工)   processing and compensation trades (processing with materials or given samples, assembling supplied components)
  • n.  三竪綫花紋飾, 三隴板, 三角槽排檔, 竪條紋飾   triglyph
  • n.  三角形圖案飾, 交織成三角形的圖案飾   triquetra