补Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 人造卫星重返地球模拟器, 补加纸张, 超越印数, 伸放纸, 伸放数, 筛渣, 筛除物 overs
- n. 从者, 属下, 追补者, 追随者, 拥护者, 信徒, 跟踪者, 模仿者, 效法者, 随员, 部下, 侍从, 追求女人者, 跟踪装置, 从动件, 附页, 增音器, 重发器, 输出器 follower
- v. 他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足. They eked out their coal by collecting firewood
- n. 他因保险单失效未得任何补偿. He didn't get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed
- v. 他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加. He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials
- v. 他热心工作以弥补其经验的不足. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm
- n. 付还, 偿还, 付还的钱, 补偿, 报酬, 赔款, 偿还的款项, 报答, 报复 repayment
- n. 代替者, 代用品, 代替者, 候补选手, 代用词, 转接器, 短节, 代入, 替代人, 替代物, 代理人, 替代品 substitute
- adj. 代理的, 代用的, 可取代的, 代替的, 取代的, 置换的, 补充的 substitutive
- 会阴修补及括约肌修补 Repair of perinueum with sphincter repair
- 会阴修补及肛门损伤修补 Repair of perinueum with repair of anal defects
- n. 传单(又做flyer), 飞鸟, 翻车鱼, 飞行物, 航空器, 飞行员, 特快车, 快速运动部分, 飞轮, 投机, 孤注一掷, 冒险的买卖, 传单, 如飞的跳跃, 野心勃勃的人, 锭翼, 锭壳, 梯级, 补充目录, 书内的附加页, 飞行者(亦作flyer), 飞行者, 快车, 快船 flier
- n. 估计损耗添量, 运输途中正常消耗, 添量, 添头, 补头 tret
- 估计的补加应评税入息 estimated additional assessable income
- 估计的补加应评税利润 estimated additional assessable profit
- 低压起动补偿器 low tension starting compensator