| - adj. 东京和纽约是主要的金融中心. Tokyo and New York are major financial centres
- n. 两国签定了和约. A Peace was signed between the two countries
- 两对男女在一起的约会. couples
- n. 两次约会之间相隔的两星期. a space of two weeks between appointments
- 两端约束梁 constrained beam
- adj. 中古的, 中世纪的(约公元1100-1400年) of the Middle Ages, about AD 1100-1400
- 中国已加入的国际公约 international conventions into which China has accessed
- 为了证实这件事的诚意, 为了对上述各项表示诚意(法律, 条约中用语) in faith where of
- v. 为(某人)预约报名(进入私立学校) on the waiting-list for admission to a private school
- n. 乇, 托(真空度单位), torr托压力单位, 约等于1.316×10-3气压或1, 333帕斯卡 torr
- n. 义务, 责任, 职责, 负担, 契约, 证书, 债务, 恩惠, 人情债 obligation
- n. 乍, 一乍宽(手掌张开时拇指尖与小指尖的距离, 约 23 厘米或 9 英寸). distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger when the hand is stretched out; about 23 centimetres (9 inches)
- n. 乐器, 工具, 仪器, 器械, 手段, 方法, 傀儡, 仪表, 装置, 设备, 证书, 契约, 文件, 被利用的人, 器具 instrument
- abbr. 乔治勋章获得者约翰·格林. John Green GM
- n. 乔纳森(男子名), 美国人, 一种红皮的晚秋苹果, 约拿单 jonathan
- 书面契约, 章程 a written contract