| - v. 大學文科包括的科目範圍很廣. The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects
- n. 大彌撒(包括燒香、 奏樂和許多儀式) High Mass, ie with incense, music and much ceremony
- n. 她有許多消遣, 包括園藝和釀酒. She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making
- v. 她概括論述國際局勢的講話 a speech in which she surveyed the international situation
- adj. 字母數字混合編製的, 包括按字母與號碼的 alphameric
- adj. 字母數字的, 字母與數字混合編排的, 文字數字的, 包括文字與數字的 alphanumeric
- adj. 寬廣的, 寬的, 廣阔的, 遼闊的, 廣大的, 廣泛的, 廣博的, 明朗的, 顯著的, 主要的, 粗略性的, 寬宏大量的, 粗俗的, 方言性的, 口音重的, 開放的, 形成開音節的, 闊的, 概括的, 明顯的, 完全明白的, 方言的, 露骨的, 太粗鄙的 broad
- v. 對情況、 問題的概括論述 a survey of the situation, subject
- v. 將 某事物概括或簡化成某種形式 sth to sth change sth to a more general or basic form
- v. 將...加上括弧 parenthesize
- n. 將某人[某事物]包括於某群體內 sth in a particular group
- v. 將論點概括成幾句話 compress an argument into just a few sentences
- 小腸瘻管關閉術-其它器官或包括合併癥 Closure of intestinal fistula—— fistula of bowel with other organs or complicated
- adj. 小靜脈的,與小靜脈有關的或包括小靜脈的,多脈紋的 venular
- adj. 尤指紙張)挺括的 slightly stiff (
- 尿道整形術-包括陰莖或陰囊轉換 Urethroplasty, formation of urethra as Dennis Brown type procedure—— including urinary diversion, penile or penoscrotal