| - conj. 你去我就去, 否则我宁可待在家里. I'll go if you're going if not I'd rather stay at home
- 你对待生活要严肃一些. Ought to and should suggest that the speaker is less confident the advice will be taken *ought to和should含有说话者对劝告之是否接受更无把握之意 You've got to take life more seriously.
- v. 你对这书有何意见可否直率提出? Could you give me your honest opinion of the book?
- 你应该道歉(虽然我不知道你是否这样做). should apologize (though I'm not sure you will).
- adv. 你得去问她. 马上就去否则就没机会了. You've got to ask her. It's now or never
- v. 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法? Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?
- n. 你是否喜欢我, 我很重视这件事. I mind whether you like me or not
- n. 你是否怀疑我无权看这份材料? Do you question my right to read this?
- 你是否想过五年後你要做些什麽? Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years' time?
- 你是否打算让他们知道这些计划? Are you going to let them in on the plans?
- adj. 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以後发生的? Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight?
- n. 你是否有过眼前出现黑斑的现象? Do you ever see specks in front of your eyes?
- v. 你是否正确, 以後可见分晓. whether you are right
- 你是否都吃光了? Did you eat all of them?
- 你有一枚1英镑的硬币吗? As regards have3, British and US speakers form negatives and questions in the same way with do 至於have3, do)构成否定式和疑问式 coin?
- 你有计算机吗?'`有.' In US English questions and negatives are formed with do 在美式英语中, 与do连用可构成疑问式和否定式 Have you got a computer?' `Yes, I have.' `