  • adj.  她的秘密至今未透露.   Her secret remains untold to this day
  • n.  她的踝關節數周前骨折, 至今打著石膏.   She broke her ankle weeks ago and it's still in plaster
  • n.  她獲勝後幾小時喜氣洋洋.   She was still in a state of euphoria hours after her victory
  • n.  她雖然在那兒住了十年, 村裏人視她如外人.   Although she's lived there for ten years, the villagers still treat her as an outsider
  • adj.  她雖然覺得身體不舒服, 但然去上班了.   Although she felt ill, she still went to work
  • v.  婦女在為徹底解放而奮鬥(以獲得與男子同等的權利、 機會等).   Women are still struggling to be fully emancipated, ie to be given the same rights, opportunities, etc as men
  • n.  婦女在爭取與男人真正平等.   Women are still struggling for true equality with men
  • n.  對該事故仍諱莫如深.   the secrecy that still surrounds the accident
  • v.  將某物置於另一物上(尤指後者可見、 可聞等)   put sth on top of sth else, esp so that what is underneath can still be seen, heard, etc
  • adj.  尤指文件等)然存在的, 現存的   still in existence (
  • adj.  尤指破産的個人或公司)須清償債務的. Cf 參看 discharge.   still legally obliged to pay money owing to creditors (
  • n.  儘管他們嚴肅地表明了態度, 但他們樂於接受我們的援助.   Despite their protestations, they were glad to accept our help
  • n.  儘管他做了壞事, 我然相信他本質是善良的.   In spite of the bad things he's done I still believe in his essential goodness
  • n.  儘管他有很多缺點, 但她愛他.   She continued to love him despite his many frailties
  • v.  儘管天氣不好, 一年一度的全國大馬賽將舉行.   The Grand National will be run in spite of the bad weather
  • adv.  儘管如此, =nevertheless, 然, 可是, 不過(亦作nonetheless), 雖然如此, 但是   nonetheless