些Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 他们应少到各处游荡, 多用些时间照看子女. They should spend less time gallivanting about and more with their children
- v. 他们想要一套大些的单元房. They want a bigger flat
- n. 他们拿不出那些指控的依据来. They couldn't make the charges stick, ie prove that they were true
- adj. 他们用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子. They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks
- n. 他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固. Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start
- adj. 他们的婚姻好像有些问题. Their marriage seems a bit rocky
- 他们的房子和我们的差不多, 只是我们的花园大些. Their house is similar to ours, but ours has a bigger garden
- n. 他们纯粹出於忌妒才说你这些坏话. They only say such unkind things about you out of envy, ie because they are full of envy
- 他们花了那些钱. They've spent that much, ie as much as is indicated
- n. 他们跑上山坡, 同时有些小石子滚了下来. Small stones rolled down the hillside as they ran up
- adj. 他们这些日子神气活现, 大概不再和我们这样的普通人说话了. They're so grand these days that they probably don't talk to ordinary mortals like us any more
- n. 他利用那些有权有势的朋友帮助他走後门, 到政府行政部门任职. He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door
- n. 他又多喝了些酒, 口齿也就更不清楚了. As he drank more wine his articulation became worse
- v. 他受到他们嘲笑恼羞成怒, 说了一些过头的话. He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended
- adj. 他受到这些指控仍处之泰然. He remained unruffled by the charges
- conj. 他可是个正人君子, 虽然有时略显得傲慢了些. He's a real gentleman, if a little pompous at times