| - prep. 除约翰外, 还有我们五个人要一起吃饭. There will be five of us for dinner, besides John
- vi. 隐隐呈现, 朦胧出现, 逼近, 隐约出现, (危险、忧虑等)阴森地临近, 令人担忧 loom
- 隐隐约约地想起某事物. remember sth hazily
- adj. 集中的, 强化的, 精细的, 深入的, 加强的, 密集的, 彻底的, 精深的, 透彻的, 内包的, 加强语气的, 精耕细作的, 集约的, 渐进的, 强烈的, 增强的, 加强语气的 intensive
- 集体有效剂量当量约定 collective effective dose equivalent commitment
- 集约农法 intensive farming method
- 集约式农业 intensive farming
- 集约式放牧 intensive pasture
- 集约放牧地 intensive pasture
- adj. 集约耕作(旨在小块土地上集中劳力精耕细作以获高产的方法). intensive farming, ie aimed at producing large quantities of food by concentrating labour and care in small areas
- 集约肥育 intensive fattening
- 集装箱关务公约 Customs Convention on Containers
- 集装箱安全公约 Container Safe Convention
- 集装箱海关公约 Customs Conventions on Containers
- 集装箱海关公约 customs convention on containers
- 集装箱海关公约集装箱关务公约 customs convention on containers