英Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 後面的介词, 在英式英语和美式英语中有所不同. British and US English differ as regards the prepositions used after different. 接在different
- 微石英纤维 Micro-Quartz fibre
- 微石英纸 Micro-Quartz paper
- n. 德比马赛(英国埃普瑟姆一年一度的马赛). the Derby [sing] annual horse race at Epsom, England
- 必发达英式毡酒 Beefeater Dry Gin
- n. 忍冬属植物, 英国人, 开淡黄色花的一种忍冬, 五叶铁线莲, 苫壁藤 woodbine
- 怎么翻译(成英语)? How would you render 'bon voyage' (into English)? 'bon voyage'
- v. 怎样翻译(成英语)? ? bon voyage
- n. 怪人, 有怪癖的人, 怪人, 古怪的老头, 名声不好的人, [英方]吝啬鬼, 怪老头 codger
- abbr. 总收入15000英镑. gr income 15000
- n. 悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画. A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen painting
- 意大利旅行指南、 大英博物馆参观要览. a guide to Italy, to the British Museum, etc
- pref. 愚蠢的). Compare non-British (`of a nationality which is not British') andun-British (`being disloyal to Britain'). 试比较non-British(非英国籍的)和un-British(不忠於英国的). unwise = `foolish' (
- n. 愿出100英镑作保证金. surety
- 懂事年龄, 责任年龄(英国法律规定为十四岁) age [years] of discretion
- 戈登英式干酒 Gordon Dry Gin