| - n. 我認為他的話無足輕重--衹不過是偏激的派性空話. I didn't think much of that speech it was just a flag-waving exercise, ie one that did not deal with real issues
- 我還未得空仔細地讀你的文章. your essay yet
- adj. 我通常下午有空. I'm usually free in the afternoon
- n. 我需要大一些的活動空間. more elbow-room
- n. 戰鬥機近距離空戰. close combat between fighter aircraft
- 戰術航空導彈 tactical air missile
- 戶外空氣 outdoor air
- 戶外空氣 outside air
- n. 房子的正面, 朝嚮, 眺望, 前面, 正面, 前面或正面的長度, 朝對方向, 建築物與街或河之間的空間, 紮營地, 檢閱場地, 路邊地, 河邊地, 前方, 臨街 frontage
- n. 扉頁(書籍封面及封底內側所貼的襯頁, 通常為空白頁). pages pasted to the inside covers of a book
- 手動真空泵 hand-operating vacuum-pump
- n. 手徵, 手性, 偏光力, 空間蠃旋特性 chirality
- 手提航空攝影機 hand-held aerial camera
- 手空着, 沒事幹 have one's hands idle
- n. 打字機的)空格鍵. bar on a typewriter, tapped to make spaces between words (
- n. 打開窗戶吧--這裏的空氣不新鮮了. Open the window there's quite a fug in here