  • n.  我多年没见到他了.   I haven't seen him in years
  • adj.  我女儿今天有点不舒服, 所以她去上学.   My daughter's a bit poorly today, so she didn't go to school
  • v.  我对他没有怨恨.   I bear him no grudge
  • v.  我对你的工作有说的.   I have no fault to find with your work
  • adj.  我对她丈夫没有好感!   I don't like the sound of her husband
  • v.  我对我先前说的话, 有什么补充的.   I have nothing to add to my earlier statement
  • n.  我对这种药有多大信心.   I haven't much faith in this medicine
  •   我就是认为他很讨厌, 别的说的.   I just think he is very unpleasant, full stop
  • n.  我希望你没有迟到.   I hope you weren't late
  • n.  我庆幸自己有他那些金钱的麻烦.   I don't envy him his money problems, ie I'm happy I don't have them
  • n.  我很久没有见到她了.   in a month of Sundays
  • adj.  我很奇怪他竟没有来.   I'm surprised that he didn't come
  • adv.  我很长时间有这麽高兴过了.   I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time
  • n.  我得听他那些了的牢骚.   I had to listen to a long recital of all his complaints
  • v.  我想他要辞职了, 可请不要说是我说的(因为我有把握是否确实).   I think he's going to resign, but please don't quote me, ie because I am not sure if it is true
  • adj.  我感到庆幸的是他们有问我.   I was grateful that they didn't ask me