  • v.  他胡乱翻动桌上文件, 装很忙的样子.   on the desk, pretending to be busy
  • v.  他能提证据以表明他的指控属实.   He can produce evidence to support his allegations
  • n.  他自从被驱逐住所以来, 就一直无处栖身.   He's had nowhere to live since his eviction
  • adj.  他获悉女儿生不禁欣喜若狂.   He was ecstatic at the news of his daughter's birth
  • adj.  他表情严肃, 我知道可能事了.   He looked grim; I could tell something was wrong
  • adj.  他表情严肃. `是事了吗?'我问.   He looked grave. `Is there anything wrong?' I asked
  • adj.  他表现了事业有成的经理人员所具有的一切品质.   He incarnates all the qualities of a successful manager
  • adj.  他表现很有信心的样子以掩盖内心的紧张.   An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness
  • v.  他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驱逐境.   He was convicted of drug offences and deported
  • v.  他要不是每天晚上都去就好了.   I wish he wouldn't go out every night
  • n.  他觉察这对夫妇不太和睦.   He noted the disharmony between husband and wife
  • n.  他觉得很难说自己的感受.   He finds it hard to say what he feels
  • prep.  他觉得有些入不敷出.   He finds it hard to live within his income, ie without spending more than he earns
  • adj.  他言语肆无忌惮, 惹了是非.   remarks got him into trouble
  •   他认了这幅画是德加的早期作品.   He recognized the painting as an early work by Degas
  • v.  他讲的笑话很糟, 听众发了不满的叹息声.   The audience groaned at his terrible jokes